Saturday, 10 May 2014

Pre - IU meeting

IU is coming !!
49 days to our IU isn't this exciting !!
yesterday we had a 2nd meeting about pre - IU
hope everything will go smoothly :D
a picture of our meeting :D

And our TICKET is out please come and get 
from us 
Kor Win Sheng (012 676 5339)
Jane Fok (014 9679 916)
Tommy Lim (016 661 1438)
Loo Mun Teng (016 6509 722)
leave a comment below 
 like our Facebook page 

Editor 2013/2014
INT. Loo Mun Teng 
Interact Club
Sri UCSI Secondary School

Sunday, 4 May 2014

A Walk With LOVE 2014

May 4 

Give Someone A Meaning to LIFE!

Walk with Love 2014 is health campaign program. It's a family oriented event to promote healthy lifestyle while creating greater awareness of cancer.
The event also aims to bring stronger family bonding. We hope you will join us, as we move towards the future of our community by educating as many as possible about cancer. Supported by Rotary Club of Subang

Interact Club of Sri UCSI had participated this event :D
interactors is helping on the games section 

Int. Tommy Lim had took a picture with Rotarian

WE supported a walk with LOVE 2014

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Seri Bintang Selatan's I.U Day !

On the April 27 
Smk Seri Bintang Selatan had their 
IU day 
theme is DISNEY 
They had done a great job on their job 
we enjoyed it !! 

a Group picture before going in to the hall

ready for the show to start

the closing ceremony 

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

District Governor's Visit Meeting

On April 16 
We had a District Governor meeting 
organise by Rotary Club of Subang 
a group picture of board of directors

Welcoming District Governor :D
took a picture with interactors from Sri Permata

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

SMK Aminuddin Baki I.U Day

SMK Aminuddin Baki I.U Day
Their theme is Madagascar , Romania , Spain
They look a selfie before the I. U day start

a group picture before leaving 

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Westley Methodist School I.U Day

Westley Methodist School 
had their International Understanding Day 
and We Interact club of Sri UCSI 
had attended their I.U Day 
Their theme for this year is 
A German Gateway 
LOOK at the amount of people they had in their I.U day


Int . Kor Win Sheng took a picture with interactors from others schools

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Taylors International School I.U Day

On March 21
Interact Club of Sri UCSI had
went to Taylors International School
International Understanding Day
Their Theme is Travel Through Time
it was a great IU day , well done Taylors International School

Before going in to the hall lets take a group picture



a group photo with every school that came to Talyors International School

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Unicef Donation

As a result from the Charity Concert carried out by the club last year, we managed to raise funds and benefit others.

Int . Kor Win Sheng , Int . Tommy Lim and Int . Low Yik Shen
went to Unicef to donate the fund that we raised from charity concert last year 

The fund that we raised 

unite for children :D

Int . Low Yik Shen , Int . Kor Win Sheng and Int .Tommy Lim 
had took a picture :D

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Literacy Project Phase 1 @ Anbu Illam Boys Home Ulu Kelang

On March 8 
Interact club of Sri Ucsi 
had went to a Literacy Project organised by Rotary Club of Subang
to assist and develop language skills for the underprivileged  students 
Thank you Rotary Club of Subang invited us :D 

Int.Tommy Lim is telling a story

Int. Kor Win Sheng , Int . Tommy Lim , Int . Benjamin Chong 
is arranging the books 

Int. Tommy Lim , Int. Kor Win Sheng and Int. Benjamin Chong 
is distributing food to the children

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Inertact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Board of Directors meeting

March 7
Interact Club of Sri Ucsi had their
Board of Directors meeting with the rotarians

Int . Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Inertact Club 2013/2014
Sekolah Sri UCSI

Installation Day 2013/2014 :)

3 months ago
Interact Club of Sri UCSI
Finally had their INSTALLATION DAY 2013/2014

our MC of the day Int . Shenlyn

Mr.Soosai is giving a speech

President Int.Kor Win Sheng giving a speech 

The whole board of directors 

Regards ,
Int. Loo Mun Teng 
Editor of Interact Club
Sekolah Sri UCSI